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Fabrics by Kansas Troubles Quilters at The Sewing Studio

Deal of the Week

Fabrics by Kansas Troubles Quilters


Led by designer Lynne Hagmeier, Kansas Troubles fabric is beloved for its traditional primitive s...

Led by designer Lynne Hagmeier, Kansas Troubles fabric is beloved for its traditional primitive style. Established in 1989, they have since publish...


Moda Kansas Troubles Favourites Backgrounds Layer Cake 9770LC


Moda Daisy Lane Charm Pack 9760PP


Moda Daisy Lane Layer Cake 9760LC


Moda Daisy Lane Jelly Roll 9760JR


Moda Blackbirds Nest Mini Charm 9750MC


Moda Blackbirds Nest Jelly Roll 9750JR


Moda Blackbirds Nest Layer Cake 9750LC


Moda Blackbirds Nest Charm Pack 9750PP
